Jacky is our latest CYPRES crew member. She describes herself as a gipsy driven by a restless, passionate heart and an adventurous soul. After 18 years of dreaming the dream of skydiving, Jacky finally made her dream come true with a tandem jump in 2014.
„Back in 1996, I gave someone tandem skydive jump for his birthday. I was pregnant at that time, so I had to stay on the ground and could only watch the entire dropzone crowd for a few hours. It was the thrill of excitement filling the air that caught me right away. And from that day, the skydiving-seed was planted indestructibly in my mind.
For many reasons, I had to wait another 18 years before I got a tandem jump for my birthday and finally made out of a plane, however strapped to a tandem instructor.
While free-falling for the first time, I was immediately hooked on the feeling of freedom and boundless joy – so back on the ground, I decided to become a licensed skydiver by taking part in a static line course.
“By starting my course in a skydiving club located at the airport Paderborn/Lippstadt, which is close to the headquarter of Airtec, the connection to CYPRES was naturally there from the very beginning, because there where long time skydiver-friendships between the club members and CYPRES inventor Helmut Cloth”, she continues.
Two years and about 300 jumps later – in 2016 – Jacky decided to become a static line instructor and followed her vocation to teach students at different dropzones how to skydive on their own. “In preparation for my instructors license, I experienced that there is so much more to learn and be aware of when it comes to skydiving-safety – so much more to take a closer look at and so much more knowledge to pass on to others.”
I realized that the invention of the CYPRES followed by a more than 25 years lasting success story of reliability and continuous further development has made a significant contribution to all skydivers in the world.
What could be more satisfying than to be a part of this success story? Eventually, in summer 2017, I felt like I had to quit my sales manager job in Hamburg and go for a new challenge: I wanted to work for CYPRES. So I called Helmut Cloth and told him about my desire. A few months, calls and meetings later, I joined the team in November 2017.”
During the winter time, Jacky followed an initial training plan to get insights about the workflows at Airtec and learned about all kinds of CYPRES. By now, in the office part of her job she is substituting her colleagues during their absence and assists the marketing team with texting and communicating. Given the facts that she is an outgoing and very communicative person that loves to travel and in addition speaks German, Dutch and English, she was perfectly predestined to become the new “CYPRES-boogie-face” for Germany and the Netherlands. You might have already met her at the Kingsday boogie on the Dutch island Texel in April and we’re sure you will meet her at one of the boogies coming up this summer.
“I love the skydiving community. And I’m blessed to be able to combine my job and my passion. Teaching students to become reliable and responsible parachutists as well as increasing the safety-awareness of all skydivers to help making this awesome sport even safer is my personal goal. All of this mixed with having awesome fun in the sky and making new friends at every dropzone I visit feels like living a dream to me.”
Besides, Jacky also loves to write and we really appreciate that her first little article in the German skydiving magazine “Freifall Xpress” was recently published.” In terms of skydiving, Jacky focusses on becoming an AFF instructor next year.
She has just taught one of her daughters (21) to skydive. “I was terribly nervous when she jumped out of the plane for the first time. But she did a great job in the air and even had a wonderful soft landing. I am very proud of her!”
At CYPRES, Jacky keeps on learning everything there is to know and she’s looking forward to meet you at her roadshow tent!
Tags: CYPRES Road Show
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