cypres saves


Saving Lives since April 1991

Each day, our team arrives at work to manufacture a life-saving device. We consciously know this and that is why we work so diligently to ensure our products are the best they can possibly be. When we receive feedback from the ‘field’ like the details below, this is what spurs us on to continually be the best we can be as an organization and as people. We know our goal is to save lives, but all of these stories show us that we are accomplishing our mission and nothing could be more rewarding.

I’m here today because my CYPRES saved my life.

The first life saved by a CYPRES dates back to April of 1991. Since then, more than 5,200 lives have been saved! Many of those saved by CYPRES have submitted their stories which you can read below or download it here.

August 2024


Changeable Mode CYPRES

I did a wingsuit-rodeo jump with a very experienced flyer. During the jump my audible just lost
its battery and I couldn’t see the altitude from my hand either because I held on to the wingsuit
flyer so tight. When we broke off quite low, I was very far from my dropzone and while trying to
process all this and how to navigate my Cypres saved me due to being so low already without
no canopy open. Everything went well from that on and nobody was harmed.

August 2024



AFF 5 jump from 12000 ft. Good exit, Student was released and flew stable but started to lose
heading control at about 9000ft. Instructor docked with the student and assisted with stability
then released again. Student rapidly lost heading control resulting in a belly to earth flat spin.
Instructor attempted to stop the spin until 6000ft when he repeatedly gave both the deploy and
check altimeter hand signals. The student made no attempt to check his altimeter or deploy
his main or reserve canopies.
I would like to once again thank you from the bottom of my heart for inventing the Cypres
AAD and making it available to, not just the skydivers, but also to operators like myself who
offer skydiving training to new people.

August 2024


Student CYPRES

The Student started with a nice AFF Jump, position was good, he stopped a turn and checked
the altitude. Because of a bad body position he fell on his back and started to spin fast. The
AFF instructor was able to slow down the spin two times but because of all the movement
from the student he didn´t find a grip to stabilize him completely. As soon as the Student
realized that he is not able to stabilize it, he tried to pull the main and went into a head down
like position, which made it impossible for the instructor to follow him. The Student had no
altitude awareness and tried to pull the main until the Cypres fired and saved his live.

June 2024



It happened during a wingsuit jump. I opened at a low altitude of about 900 meters, at low
speed. My opening caused a body twist and I got around 8 twists. The canopy was flying well,
so I tried to resolve the twists by unzipping my wingsuit at arms and legs level. I have never
succeed and This took too long. After 1min 20 and at an altitude between 400 and 500 meters
(visible on another skydiver’s external video), I decided to release my main canopy. Between
the release of the main canopy and the opening of the reserve, 6 seconds passed. During this
time, I couldn’t find my reserve handle because the wingsuit was unzipped. The reserve finally
opened automatically thanks to the Cypres. I landed safely in a field and found all my gear

June 2024



Hi, I am a young in this sport, but I am 54 years old. This year, in June, I made my first freefly
jump: head up and track. But my track lasts 16 secondes! Too long. I looked after my
handyploy for the main canopy…It has disappeared. I looked after it for the second time and
nothing (hidden under my legstrap!). I begun the PDS (rescue procedure) and fortunately, the
cypres released the emergency canopy. I landed without any problem and safety. I continue
this sport that I love. And it’s thank to you that everything went well. With the seriousness and
skills of your team, you save my life, and everyone who was there was able to see the
effectiveness of the cypres. So thank very much for looking out for us.

October 2023


Changeable Mode CYPRES

on a coach jump the student dislocated his right shoulder and was unable to deploy his main
or reserve parachute.

September 2023



Procedure down to 1500 m as standard – attempt to release – in my opinion release not
possible – checked if drogue was open – drogue was set – search for secondary release –
during which 10 seconds passed (1000 m altitude) – initiation of emergency procedure –
search for cutaway + reserve handle – no gripping of the cutaway handle until the release
altitude of the CYPRES. Later the system was examined on the ground for possible packing
errors or possibilities of malfunction, no error could be detected. Release was possible with
both handles, obviously the ball was not pulled to release.

September 2023



I had just upsized to a new Wingsuit, 6 jumps on it. After an uneventful 4 way Wingsuit jump,
we separated but I couldn’t find the pull, gave it 2 tries. Body position put me into an
accelerating turn and I couldn’t reach my reserve handle with either hand. Tried to reach it all
the way down. My Cypres gave me a reserve canopy, which inflated without line twists despite
the turn I was in, and I landed in a field, and walked away without a scratch. Thank you for
saving my life.

September 2023



During a 7 way angle tracking jump I was stuck from behind by another skydiver. his knee
contacted my helmet (cracked it) and knocked me unconscious at approximately 3000 m
altitude. I fell all the way to an unconscious landing in a farmers field after CYPRES saved my
life by deploying the Reserve. Our landing zone is 50 m higher than the airport so I had my
offset adjusted to 150´up- I was extremely lucky and had no permanent injury and just a sore
leg and a light concussion to deal with after the adventure. Your product saved my life! thank
you very much. There is no question that your reliable system saved my life. I will be forever

August 2023



6-way wingsuit jump – there was a collision at break off altitude. Jumper knocked out and spun
head down until CYPRES fired. Reserve deployed great, he was still unconscious for landing,
broke a bunch of bones in his face, but otherwise is fine.

June 2023



Repeat Level 5 AFF. Unstable exit, tried to recover at first, then student spinning, Instructor
decided to stop spinning, unable to stabilize because G-forces – lost student – Student made
no attempt to pull either main or reserve – CYPRES fired in back to earth position.

April 2023


Student CYPRES

Licensed jumper did first jump with an unknown rig. Size adjustment of the harness was not
correctly adjusted. Uneventful 2-way and separation. Could not reach main-deployment
handle at opening altitude. Loss of altitude awareness and body position with further attempts
to reach main handle all the way down to AAD activation altitude. Quick opening of reserve
parachute initiated by the CYPRES, accompanied by minor injuries, but uneventful landing on

April 2023


Changeable Mode CYPRES

Had a cramp during ascent, recovered OK. Freefall OK, solo jump, 3 practice pulls OK.
At pull altitude lost stability and tried to get stable until CYPRES fired.

February 2023


Changeable Mode CYPRES

Jumper experienced a pilot-chute in tow malfunction. He pulled his cutaway handle and then
waited instead of pulling his reserve handle, until he was so low that the CYPRES fired. He
said later that he was waiting for his skyhook to deploy his reserve. Thankfully that the AAD
backup saved the situation he is still here to learn that not all backup systems will work in all
situations. So familiarize yourself with your gear!

December 2022


Student CYPRES

I was unable to grip main handle due to slipperiness of new gloves. Kept trying to grip handle,
went unstable, took a while to recover. Pulled cutaway and reserve handles, but Student
CYPRES 2 fired first. Eyewitness said that the reserve was only fully open for about five
seconds before landing.

December 2022


Changeable Mode CYPRES

The story begins with a normal wingsuit jump, during the deployment altitude, I deploy the pilot
chute, but something happen, there is a PC in tow, then I’m following my EP plan, I’m going to
grab my cutaway handle, then I’m going into a quick side spin, thanks god my CYPRES fired,
the reserve works, after a PLF I’m alive.
Just wanna say thank you, for saving my life.

October 2022



Rig was far to large for the person jumping it. Main deployed and begun to spin due to a bad
packjob. While spinning the Main Lift Webbing with the Reserve Ripcord twisted resulting in a
position backwards so the jumper was unable to find the handle and pull. Jumper then had to
wait for Cypres activating the reserve.

October 2022



Tandemmaster experienced spinning malfunction on his main, rotating on his back and
disconnects his RLS in about 1100 m. Late EMP – CYPRES cut the loop – reserve opening.

September 2022


Changeable Mode CYPRES

7th WS jump of the day, second on a ATC, hard pull on FF-pilotchute handle. Lost altitude
awareness during deployment sequence having altimeter on my arm under the suite. First try
to pull I was stable, second try came out tumbling/flatspinn came out stable from that, third try
(still main) flatspinn again became stable in a dive realised I was very low and kept diving.
Cypres fired at 750ft about 20sec canopy ride and landed fine on a field.
Survived with small margin on deployment speed of the Cypres.
Lucky, embarrassed and full of shame gets to live to share experience that can hopefully
prevent others to do same mistakes as I did.




Wingsuit solo, loss of control with flatspin, reserve opening by CYPRES outside the DZ,
jumper lands with zips closed on arms and legs and brakes set, vertebrae fractured on




Due to warm sunny weather I opted to jump wearing only my shorts and t-shirt and not my
usual FS suit. It was however my sixth jump in those clothes, not the first, and I hadn’t had any
problems gaining stability before. I jumped from 1600 metres and quickly ended up spinning
with my back to the ground, unable to get stable and turn on my belly. I was struck by
confusion, didn’t understand what was going on! So there I am spinning around rapidly on my
back, trying to check the altitude but the needle on the altimeter was shaking. At some point I
looked over my shoulder to the fast approaching ground and knew there was no time to waste:
I went to pull the reserve handle but Cypres activated at the same time. I had enough time to
get my bearings under the canopy and landed safely on the grass next to the runway.


Czech Republic


The skydiver hit her head by another one in the approach to the formation. Then she went into uncontrollable fall until the CYPRES activated. She was unconscious until she landed hard on the runway, but apart from 4 broken ribs she has nothing else at all.
Anyway Cypres definitely saved her life!! Thanks a lot




14 way wingsuit zoo dive. I’m new-ish in flying my Freak3 and the base was low. To avoid getting ahead of the formation, I brought in my knees, and didn’t fly my arm wings dihedral enough to maintain the same descent rate. I bubbled up and collided with another wingsuiter above me, completely knocking me out. I flat spun 12000 ft out of the sky, completely
unconscious. My Camera and fly-sight were smashed off my helmet. I partially regained consciousness under my reserve about 5 seconds before crashing into a tree. I was left dangling only about 6 inches off the ground, walked away without injury.
Cypres 100% saved my life!!!

March 2022


Student CYPRES

During a coach jump student tracks away at the correct altitude. He tried to pull at around
4500 ft. He could not find pilotchute and he keeps trying until CYPRES fires.

Februar 2022


Changeable Mode CYPRES

The Skydiver was not able to find the pilotchute.

November 2021


Changeable Mode CYPRES

Spinning AFF student, instructor could not control him, checked his alti, knew he was low but
made no attempt to pull. Was saved by the CYPRES – Thank you!

September 2021



I was on a jump with a friend and everything was okay. But when I tried to open my parachute
I had a high speed malfunction “hard pull”. In that moment I had a “mental shock” and I
couldn’t open the reserve.
Cypres opened it for me. I´m alive, thank you cypres!

July 2021


Changeable Mode CYPRES

Static line jump. First jump student. Opening of the main chute failed completely. CYPRES
activation, student saved!

June 2021



Wing suit jump. The skydiver did not find the main pull. Instability, panic, no action on the
reserve pull, Cypres fired at full power, from 225 meters… The skydiver landed his reserve
canopy, safe but emotionally shocked! Well done guys, one more time, Cypres saved a life!!!

June 2021



On a close by DZ, the Cypres saved the life of our long-time friend. After the exit from 4000 m
our friend lost consciousness and dropped all the way down to 225m.
He woke up at under his reserve parachute and was able to land smoothly with crosswind.

June 2021


Changeable Mode CYPRES

After a freefall collision the jumper was unconscious and his CYPRES activated. He only
regains consciousness in the hospital.

June 2021


Changeable Mode CYPRES

The jumper did nothing to open either of his parachutes. The CYPRES practically saved his
life. He did nothing after the reserve opened and landed in the sea close to the beach.

March 2021



I checked my CYPRES before the jump and the Zero was clearly visible. I jumped from 1600
meter on a freezy day. My goggles fogged up after a few hundred meters and it was not
possible to clearly see the altimeter. I had the feeling that I still had loads of time till pulltime.
After a while it seemed that the freefall took too long and I took my goggles off. My altimeter
read 350 meters and I panicked as I could not find my reserve ripcord right away. Just as I
located the ripcord I could feel something to jump off my back. My altimeter read 150 meters
when my reserve canopy was open. I prepared for my landing which was successful but I was
still in shock of what just happened. I checked my CYPRES and it was off but the cutter was
activated. Thanks for such a reliable piece of equipment !!

January 2021


Changeable Mode CYPRES

Sunset load, 6th angle flight of the day, I was in my slot for about 5 seconds when I was taken
out by the last diver on the plane. His right knee hitting me in the back of my head, knocking
me out, braking his leg. He could manage to fortunately open his main. CYPRES fired while I
was semi conscious and I landed on a field only few meters away from power lines. With a
smashed helmet and lacerations on my head and multiple bruises, I jumped again after 9

September 2020



I just wanted to say thank you for saving my life. I had both my shoulders dislocated and could
not open any of my parachutes. Without your great product, I probably couldn’t send any mails
now. You have really created something great!

September 2020



3 way jump from Heli. Strike in freefall with loss of consciousness. Cypres activated. Landing
in tree under reserve canopy still unconscious!

August 2020



Beginner with 50 jumps jumped with T-shirt, got his handles covered by it, panicked and
waited for the CYPRES to save his life

Mai 2020



Jumper couldn’t find main pilotchute handle. Several attempts while getting unstable and on
back. High vertical speed, no attempt to release steering lines on reserve, landed hard
sideways, fractured thigh, fracture eye socket. BUT SURVIVED and fit again, thanks to

Mai 2020



Jumper couldn’t find main pilotchute handle. Several attempts while getting unstable and on
back. High vertical speed, no attempt to release steering lines on reserve, landed hard
sideways, fractured thigh, fracture eye socket. BUT SURVIVED and fit again, thanks to

November 2019



Cutaway after malfunction. Jumper could not pull reserve handle. CYPRES activation at approximately 750 ft.

November 2019



Instructor could not find reserve handle due to violently spinning malfunction. During the cutaway the RSL became disconnected. Struggled to get the reserve handle until the CYPRES activated and opened the reserve parachute.

A big Thank You to Helmut and all the staff at Airtec, I always knew that the CYPRES was a great product and that´s why I only buy CYPRES. Regards with a big relief!

September 2019



Wingsuit jump, main opening attempt failed due to main handle obstructed by wing. Position turned head down with aggressive spinning, after regaining control from the spinning left Hand moved to reserve handle but due to lack of altitude the CYPRES activated first. After the reserveopening there was minimal time to avoid obstacles before landing

July 2019


Student CYPRES

Skydiver lost altitude awareness, no pull on BOC no pull on any handles. CYPRES activation, simply another CYPRES save!

July 2019


Student CYPRES

Skydiver get´s unstable while pulling main. Pilotchute and main d-bag gets entangled with leg – cutaway and no further action. Skydiver was waiting for RSL to release reserve. CYPRES activation, downwind landing on reserve- landing OK.

June 2019



Twisted up main canopy due to steering line error. Main canopy started to turn violently. After a slow, but successful cutaway the jumper waited for the CYPRES to activate.

June 2019


Student CYPRES

Student got unstable on AFF Level 5. Cutaway in back position. Tried multiple times to find reserve handle, but unsuccessful. Instructor could not approach due to an expected reserve opening. Shortly before the CYPRES activation, student was back in belly position again. CYPRES activation, normal landing.

Thanks Helmut and Team.

May 2019



Had a AAD fire and had a shirt reserve ride after Not being able to deploy my main.
I tried too many times and didn’t follow the rules 2 tries and pull reserve. CYPRES saved my life today, I learned a lesson, hope it helps others learn from this.

I’ll never jump without one and I’ll get my head out of my ass so I don’t make another dumb mistake again.

April 2019


Student CYPRES

Student lost altitude awareness and got unstable close to pull altitude. No further action. CYPRES activation, landing OK.

April 2019


Student CYPRES

CYPRES save due to dislocated shoulder.

April 2019


C-Mode -> Expert CYPRES

Trying to locate handle, lost altitude and time awareness. when reaching for the reserve handle – CYPRES fired. landing safely under reserve.

CYPRES saved my life !!!

February 2019



Wingsuit jump in mountain area, struck by another jumper while she was on back, the other jumper tried to get up to the others and floated from below. She woke up hanging in tree, completely physically fine. Due to the mountain area they set their CYPRES to A6. She luckily did not wake up during the jump as she would have probably tried to fly her wingsuit and her parachute would never have opened.

I am incredibly lucky you guys existed! Thank you.

December 2018



Student had dislocated shoulder, instructor could not catch student, no action from student until CYPRES activated. Student did not flare, but landed OK, no injuries other than shoulder.

November 2018



Re-currency jump, could not find pilotchute and lost altitude awareness. while his CYPRES fired, he found his main handle. Uneventful landing on both canopies.

November 2018

The Netherlands


Hard pull on main parachute, did not open, reserve release handle / ripcord was stuck due to Velcro, it took too long, CYPRES opened reserve

September 2018



It was the third jump of the day, a “sunset”. The briefing was “1-mile displacement” with 7 others skydivers. I went out the door and I sank a lot and then gave up the jump; I turned to back position and after a few seconds I started to spin. I returned to the belly position and despite having sufficient height (I looked at the altimeter) it gave me a “mental block”.

I thought I was going to die, I was sure of it, but the cypres saved me, THANK YOU VERY MUCH.


September 2018



On a 5 way Neely formation skydive. The ride up to 13,500 feet was uneventful. Upon exiting the plane approximately 200-300 feet into free fall I went unconscious. I went into a head down position, wearing a booty suit, and began to fall at approximately 170 mph. I was spinning during the entire time. Approximately 1 minute later my AAD fired at 1000 feet
deploying my reserve. I was still unconscious at this time. I woke up on the ground. If it was not for my AAD and me utilizing it properly, I would not be here today to tell my story.

I am great full for Cypres and their product. I owe you my life!! Thank you!!


September 2018



Wingsuiter, unable to locate main handle, unstable until CYPRES activation.

August 2018


Student CYPRES

After exit he flow till it was time to open his main but he did not find the main handle, he tried to find it but without success. After that he has not searched for his cutaway handle and reserve handle too and he just waited for the cypres…… the cypres worked properly and saved his life, he’s a very lucky guy because when the parachute opened he was in back fly position without control.

June 2018



I was on my 9th wingsuit jump. First 8 went fine but this time I had a new wingsuit and a new rig equipped with a freely pud. The plan I had, was to have a stable exit, practice pulls and fly an appropriate pattern for the drop zone. Following a stable exit, I got sucked in the beauty of the flight and forgot all about the practice pulls. At 4000’ I flared and attempted to deploy my main (freely PUD) with no success. I got a little unstable, reset and tried once more, this time, my head was down, trying to get more reach, which put me into a head down dive.
I chose to fight the instability rather than deploying my reserve, bad choice on my part. The dive quickly turned into a spin and the spin quickly gained speed.
To be completely honest, at that point I lost complete sense of altitude and time, I was pretty much useless from this moment on.
My cypres fired at the designed altitude and according to my Alti-2 I was under canopy by 600’. With multiple line twists as you can imagine. I freed my arms, got out of the line twists and lined myself up for a nice stand up landing into the wind.

Had it not been for the Cypres and it’s reliability, I wouldn’t be here to tell the story.

So again, a big shout out to all who are involved in making this quality, life saving, device. I will never forget how you all contributed to saving me when I wasn’t able to.
For ever grateful!.

May 2018



Pilotchute in tow – attempted to pull reserve – CYPRES fired before handle pulled.

May 2018


Student CYPRES

AFF level 7; student uncontrollable, flat spinning, Instructor could not help and opened his parachute at about 700 m; CYPRES activated, Student landed in tree, reserve canopy is damaged but the Student is OK and unhurt.

April 2018


Student CYPRES

3rd jump of the day, student on 20 sec delay, stable exit, student reported he blacked out at approximately 6k ft regained consciousness at reserve opening.

February 2018


Student CYPRES

Refresher AFF jump, 11th jump, altimeter not working, student did not have altitude awareness, CYPRES activation, student landed OK.

October 2017

New Zealand

Expert CYPRES (A2 setting)

2 jumpers exited aircraft at 19.000 ft, on a head down tracing jump, both jumpers lost altitude awareness and did´t hear audible altimeters, or ignored them, one jumper realised they were going low and deployed main on the spot at 2500 ft, 2nd jumper back tracked for Separation and rolled over at which time CYPRES fired before main or reserve was deployed by jumper, CYPRES was set A2 which the jumper preferred to have it set for extra time under reserve.

October 2017


Student CYPRES

first jump with a wingsuit. All practice exercises in freefall were correct like pull exercises etc. After separation, Jumpmaster could see, that jumper tried to reach for the handdeploy but did not see any further movements. Luckily, the CYPRES initiated the opening of the reserve canopy.

October 2017


Student CYPRES

Girl, 23 jumps, unstable, no pull at all, CYPRES fire at 1000 ft – life save!

October 2017


Expert CYPRES (A3 setting)

Uneventful freefly skydive. Main pilot chute stuck in BOC. The reserve pud would not peel off
velcro (double velcro) and struggled to get it free. Finally able to get reserve pud off harness
and with full extension did not deploy my reserve at all. Cypress fired very very low. My ProTrac Audible Altimeter read opening altitude at 200 feet. Discovered that the reserve cables were misrouted and main pilot chute was packed so difficult that you had to put your foot on rig and pull as hard as you could with both hands. Additionally the reserve brakes were buried in risers and unusable.

September 2017



Unconscious tandem instructor due to drogue bridle wrapped around his neck, CYPRES activation – JM woke up only shortly before landing, Tandem landed in corn field without Input from the JM but unhurt and happy!

August 2017


Student CYPRES

Parachutist has attempted twice to deploy main canopy at 3500 ft without success. Parachutist was seen in freefall position when reserve canopy came out. Parachutist landed safely off DZ.

August 2017

Czech Republic


Could not locate main pilotchute due to loose free-fly jacket. After several attempts he decided to cutaway. CYPRES initiated opening of the reserve. Jumper landed without injuries.

July 2017



5th static-line jump, student had a bad exit and caught pilotchute with her arm = horse shoe malfunction. She does not react at all and so the CYPRES is finishing the job. The reserve ride was then stopped by a house. The student suffered only minor injuries.

July 2017



Freefall collision on a Wingsuit Jump, one was knocked unconscious, CYPRES activated and skydiver landed still unconscious, but woke up later with only minor injuries. Thank you CYPRES.

May 2017



Wingsuit Jump, exit, could not control stability and ended in a flat-spin. After several attempts to get stable I realised that due to the centrifugal force it was impossible to open a canopy. After hearing the 1800 ft audible I tried again to pull the reserve, but realised that I had no chance! I thought that I would be too slow with my wingsuit for the Expert CYPRES, but luckily, I was fast enough and my CYPRES initiated the opening of the reserve in time and I landed safely. Thank you CYPRES for saving my life !!

May 2017



Hard pull and difficulty to locate reserve handle. Thanks 🙂 I keep on skydiving !!!

May 2017



Unconscious tandem instructor, drogue set, but continued in drogue fall until CYPRES fired. Student is OK, instructor unfortunately not due to possible medical problem.

February 2017



Regular Wingsuit 2-way, wanted to pull at 1300m but had a hard pull. I tried until I reached 900m after that I went on to pull my reserve handle but couldn’t get it off. As I tried with both Hands I turned on my back. I turned back around belly to earth and knew this was going to be a CYPRES safe. Thank you very much for this amazing product.

December 2016


Student CYPRES

After normal exit, a student at AFF level 6 started to spin doe to poor body position. Instructor could not stop him. CYPRES activated and student landed without incident.

November 2016


Student CYPRES

Novice jumper could not find handle. CYPRES activated and jumper landed without incident.

September 2016



At the altitude of 1200 meter attempt to pull main, but without success. Tried several times. Never pulled reserve ripcord. CYPRES activation at about 200 m.

August 2016


Student CYPRES

Staticline student got entangled with main pilotchute and main suspension lines and could not reach any handles. CYPRES activated and he landed on his reserve without injuries.

July 2016



Got into a bad spin on a wingsuit jump, could not cutaway and the only thing that saved my life was the CYPRES! “I would like to thank you all for the amazing tools you have created to save many lives! Thank you!

June 2016



On a wingsuit jump, skydiver lost track of time and CYPRES activated his reserve parachute. Thanks CYPRES!

May 2016



After an 8-way RW I had a bag–lock. I could not reach my reserve handle, because my harness was too large and the left strap had slipped over my shoulder. I tried all the way down but the situation was out of control for me. Fortunately, the CYPRES fired and I landed unhurt under my reserve. Without any doubt CYPRES saved my life. Therefore I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Helmut and the whole Airtec-Team!

May 2016



Skydiver could not pull out hand deploy. Waited too long to perform emergency procedures, CYPRES takes over the rest and skydiver landed without injuries on reserve.

February 2016



Skydiver cut away at a normal altitude but never completed the procedure

December 2015



Wingsuiter couldn’t find his pilot chute, he tried all the way until the CYPRES put an end on his action. Well done CYPRES!

December 2015



Jumper had trouble to find his BOC. His rig “rode up” on his back. CYPRES saved him.

October 2015



I suffered a premature deployment on my back whilst free flying which broke my right arm above the elbow, rendering it useless, as well as my shoulder blade. I then had to chop away my main canopy due to brake fire just below 2000ft. I was unable to find the reserve handle with my left hand that I had used to cut away my main. Fortunately, my CYPRES fired and I was able to land under my reserve without further injury. Your excellent device saved my life! Many thanks and keep up the good work! 🙂

September 2015



Wingsuit jump, malfunctioning main, jumper never found his reserve ripcord after cutaway!

September 2015



Student stage 5 (6 jumps) lost height awareness and had absolutely no idea of what was happening. got away from jump master who called it quits at 1,400’ and landed unhurt on his reserve, unaware of what had just happened.

June 2015


Student CYPRES

Young student girl forgot to pull the reserve handle and said that she was relying on her CYPRES to save her life after 5 tries of pulling her main. Thanks again Airtec !!!

May 2015



Due to a packing error I experienced a bag-lock. Why I did not perform the required emergency procedures, I am not able to say. When I reached the altitude where the CYPRES does it´s job, it activated and saved my life. I would like to express my deep respect to the CYPRES product and team. May 2015 Sweden Expert CYPRES Freefall collision after exit on a 7-way jump. He dived straight into the back on a jumper of the formation in 3500 meters. Got unconscious. CYPRES fired.

April 2015


Student CYPRES

Static line jump, exit OK. Main canopy opened with a line over malfunction. Descend rate was slow but rotations were about 1 ½ to 2 times per second. Student took no action until CYPRES activated! Student cut away main after reserve deployed and landed save.

April 2015


Student CYPRES

Student (50+ jumps) hard pull on AFF level 5, got unstable on the second attempt to pull, no further action until CYPRES fired at 225 m! AFF- Instructor followed till 500 m!!!

April 2015



After a successful RW jump we separated at 2000 meter followed by a track of about 8 sec. At 900 meters I waved off in order to pull, but could not locate my hand-deploy. After the second attempt many more attempts followed instead of going for the reserve right away. I went unstable and got on my back then turned to my belly again and started to do the emergency procedures. Finally, after the cutaway, before even reaching for the reserve handle, the CYPRES activated and severed the reserve loop. There was not much time to prepare for landing but I landed with a PLF, unhurt. I would like to thank Helmut and his coworkers explicitly for their great job and for my life.

April 2015


Student CYPRES

Jumper tried to pull his hand-deploy, did not succeed. He tried further and further and forgot everything around him. Shortly after the CYPRES activated, he was able to pull out the hand-deploy. His main opened after the reserve was open.

April 2015



Freefly jump with a stranger after the winter break, lost completely track of altitude until CYPRES activated! The other jumper just about pulled his main high enough so his CYPRES did not activate.

March 2015



On the second load I dislocated my shoulder. I couldn’t go any further! I can not even say what happened next. I was definitely not able to pull and I got totally unstable with trying to do the emergency procedures or anything else with my left arm. I am also not able to tell any details about this jump ! Thanks so much, your CYPRES worked perfect! Thanks you so much!

November 2014



On a big-way jump with 30 people on brake off, the camera man came from below the formation. I did not see him on brake off. At 5000 ft we collided mid-air I was head down my face struck his legs I was knocked unconscious. At 1000 ft my CYPRES fired and put a canopy over me. I landed in a field of dirt still unconscious. Friends landed with me. Was taken to the hospital. I walked away. The CYPRES saved my life

August 2014



I was a leader on a tracking/angle jump. After a left turn, a trailing flyer hit me in freefall. I was knocked unconscious and remained so for the rest of the jump. The CYPRES initiated the reserve opening.

August 2014


Student CYPRES

Skydiver was entangled with the main suspension lines and could not open the reserve. After 15 seconds of “Freefall“ the CYPRES activated.

August 2014



After the main pilotchute was stuck on the back after opening, the jumper waited too long and the CYPRES initiated the reserve opening before he then also pulled the reserve ripcord. August 2014 Austria Expert CYPRES Skydiver created a severe stall/line twists on his main at about 400 Meter and was twisted up to his neck. He did the correct emergency procedures but the CYPRES activated ahead of him, the loop was cut.

July 2014



Wingsuit jump, did not find main handle, activated his reserve simultaneous with the CYPRES. But the loop was cut.

July 2014



I got unstable at pull time, after recovery I could not locate my pilotchute, after several attempts I tried to reach my reserve ripcord but went unstable again. I did never think of the CYPRES when my reserve parachute opened.

June 2014



The tandem pair experienced a side spin and the tandem master was not able to pull any handles. His Tandem CYPRES activated and started the reserve deployment. The reserve opened with line twists, but the tandem master could clear them and both landed without injury.

May 2014



Bigway headdown formation attempt. During the approach there was a collision because one jumper got unstable. My head collided with his leg during the collision. After the hit, I could not move my arms and legs for about 5-6 seconds. Somehow I could manage to turn to my belly and I had the feeling that my power returned back to my legs and arms. I tried to reach my pullout handle but only succeeded very very slow as I could only move my fingertips. At about 1000 meters, my second acoustic alarm went off and I realised that with the speed I was going I am not able to activate my main in time so I went for the reserve handle. Unfortunately, I also had not enough strength to pull it with my left hand. Just as I peeled off the velcro my 3rd alarm went off and the CYPRES activated, luckily, because if not I would not be able to write this report today! Thanks to Airtec and the whole team …. you saved my life!

15 April 2014



Student was on his back trying to locate his handle nearing 1000′ ft. Instructor chased him down and flipping him to his belly immediately before CYPRES fired. Student landed uneventfully.

22 February 2014


Student CYPRES

Student could not perform normal canopy opening sequence, CYPRES activated, cut the loop and student landed safely.

03 November 2013

Empuriabrava Spain


Student with +/- 9 jumps apparently could not find main P/C and he took no further action, all three handles were in place on landing

10 November 2013



Main deployment pod caught on right foot. Tried to release it from his foot. Kept trying until the CYPRES cut the reserve loop activating the reserve deployment procedure.

26 October 2013


Student CYPRES

Student could not find his main pilot chute, tumbled tying to pull main until the CYPRES fired, cutting the closing loop and starting the reserve deployment procedure.

04 October 2013



On Saturday I was in a free-fall (flat) collision swooping to a formation. It’s unclear what happened other than me and another skydiver collided. I was knocked unconscious on impact and remained so. A friend tried to catch me but I was too floaty and spinning. My CYPRES II saved my life. People on the ground reckoned I had a canopy at 500ft, my Viso says I was under a full canopy at 320ft. I’d been on the floor a significant amount of time when I came to and was completely disorientated. I’ve always been a huge CYPRES fan and without a doubt it saved my life on Saturday.“

21 September 2013


Student CYPRES

The Student stated that he could not find his pilot chute at time of deployment. Neither reserve or cut away handle were pulled! The CYPRES activated, cutting the reserve closing loop which started the reserve deployment procedure. The skydiver landed without injury.

14 September 2013



On a 6 way tracking dive, a skydiver collided with another and was either knocked out or already paralysed due to the collision. At approx 225m the CYPRES activated, cutting the reserve closing loop which started the reserve deployment procedure. The Skydiver landed in a field nearby, we are still awaiting a report on his condition.

01 September 2013



A skydiver jumped from 4000m on a solo jump and deployed his main at approx 1000m, due to line twists he cut away his main at approx 400-350m but could not find his reserve pad (later he said that it had folded in upon itself) according to eye witnesses the CYPRES activated lower than 225m due to the need for the unit firstly reach it’s activation parameter of 35 meter per second before cutting the reserve closing loop which started the reserve deployment procedure. The skydiver landed without injury.

25 August 2013



After an uneventful skydive, a skydiver deployed his canopy and experienced severe line twists on his main. He cut away but then could not locate his reserve pad! After several attempts to find it, he maintained a stable position until his CYPRES activated, cutting the reserve closing loop which started the reserve deployment procedure. The skydiver landed without injury.

25 August 2013



Yesterday my wife had a hard free-fall collision while doing 4-way tracking. She lost all consciousness and suffered multiple fractures to her face. CYPRES initiated reserve deployment and saved her life, she landed still unconscious. She is doing well considering the circumstances, and it seems nothing that can’t be fixed was damaged.

31 July 2013



I was on a Tracing jump following the leader. At 5000 feet I peeled away from him up to 90 degrees and flew flat and hard on my back to separate. I collided hard with another jumper and that knocked me unconscious. I then fell on my back until my CYPRES fired and my PD113 deployed. I landed under my reserve unconscious unable to steer or flare.“

05 May 2013



A skydiver hit his head on the aircraft while exiting at approximately 4000m and became unconscious. He later woke up on the ground and heard from eye witnesses what had happened. The CYPRES unit cut the reserve closing loop and started the reserve deployment procedure. The skydiver concerned was taken into hospital for observation and was later released after being declared fit and healthy

05 March 2013

Undisclosed location

Student CYPRES Jumper could not find pilotchute, kept attempting while tumbling. Did not attempt emergency procedures until CYPRES activation. The CYPRES unit cut the reserve closing loop and started the reserve deployment procedure.

13 November 2012

Skydive Delmarva, USA

Student CYPRES

Student was making her 5th jump in the AFF progression program. This was her first jump with one instructor (JM). Exit was somewhat unstable but levelled out after 12 to 14 seconds. Student performed two practice touches, as planned, but did not execute planned toe taps until signalled to do so by JM. JM released student and she started a slight drift/turn upon release as JM transitioned to the front of student. Student regained stability and began to execute a planned 90 degree left turn (without checking her altitude). The left turn continued to about 180 degrees and then slowed until student got flat and floated above JM and started to turn left again. Student did not respond to arch or legs out signals. JM flew to student to redock but student began to spin. JM made brief contact with student but student started reaching for JM, got flat, floated and continued to spin. Student ignored JM’s signals to deploy her parachute and kept reaching for JM as JM attempted to redock. At 2300 feet JM deployed his parachute. Student continued to spin until the CYPRES cut the reserve loop and started the reserve deployment procedure.

06 September 2012


Student CYPRES 2

Skydivers were on their Base leg under canopies unaware of each other. They collided at Approx 800 feet. Both parachutists cutaway and found themselves under fully inflated reserves. On both containers the CYPRES units has cut the reserve closing loop and started the reserve deployment procedures.

03. September 2012

DZ in Germany


A student just finished AFF and wanted to go fun jumping. Jump passed uneventful. At deployment time the skydiver could not find his hand deploy or reserve handle. CYPRES activated, cutting the loop and starting the reserve deployment procedure.

02 September 2012



During a Tandem course A skydiver plus PAX jumped from the aircraft deployed the drougue but did not pull the deployment ripcord (due to not finding it) when required, CYPRES Activated and started the reserve deployment. Both landed without injury.

September 2012


A special forces unit in Europe uses approx 75 CYPRES units of various models. They all respect the units capabilities and have seen it save 3 of their team members to date

14 August 2012



3 way freefly, 2 sitflyers below me, I tried to get on level with them in head down position. In that moment 1 of the sitflyers went to his back to track away. I hit him from above and my head on his foot. I was unconscious for the rest of the flight . CYPRES activated and deployed my reserve.

05 August 2012



Hop & Pop at about 900m on opening line twists on a 115 size main, attempted to „untwist but couldn’t. Cutaway but could not find/see reserve handle due to container shift could not locate reserve handle. CYPRES cut the loop and started the reserve opening procedure

26 July 2012


Student CYPRES

Student could not find pilot chute and tried to pull reserve handle but could not find either. The CYPRES cut the loop and started the reserve deployment procedure

07 July 2012



Line twist malfunction, skydiver decided to cut away, and the CYPRES unit successfully started the reserve deployment sequence just in time.

30 June 2012


Student CYPRES

Novice jumper – no pull – CYPRES fired and initiated the reserve deployment.

29 June 2012



Skydiver lost cutaway handle unnoticed during 10 way formation dive. After initiating the main opening, skydiver lost awareness, had the feeling that she was falling without her rig and was in shock. About the same time the CYPRES unit successfully started the reserve deployment sequence, she reacted with the normal emergency procedures. She landed safely under her reserve.

25 June 2012



Exit from ~ 2500 meters, get´s unstable in 1500 meters. Tries to get stable for too long, can´t pull the handles, starts spinning and CYPRES saves him finally. 23 June 2012 Germany Expert CYPRES Skydiver lost cutaway handle unnoticed by him during 2 way competition. After initiating the main opening, he had the feeling that his complete rig was lost and resigned at first. About the same time when the CYPRES unit successfully started the reserve deployment sequence he reacted with the usual emergency procedures. He landed safely under his reserve.

28 April 2012



Quoted from Jumper “During wingsuit jumps“ I had lost the stability and go in high speed spinning with fast loss of altitude. I had recovered the stability at about 300 mt and then CYPRES has fired.

14 April 2012

South Africa

Student CYPRES

AFF Level 7, student was unable to pull – CYPRES fired – Student did reserve drills but too low.

25 March 2012



An older Gentleman with about 25 years experience and a total of around 2000 skydives was making his first jump after 6 months of not jumping on a new set of skydiving equipment. He was videoing a 4 way team on this jump. At breakoff a member of the 4 way team confirmed that they saw the Gentleman pull out his pilot chute but did not see the deployment of his main canopy (pilotchute in tow). The Gentlemen had tried to commence with his reserve procedure but could not locate the reserve handle. The CYPRES AAD activated the reserve deployment procedure. The Gentleman landed hard but otherwise no further injuries.

22 March 2012


Student CYPRES

Student exited the plane at approx 3500 feet unstable. Lost altitude awareness, the CYPRES unit successfully started the reserve deployment sequence. The Skydiver landed safely under his reserve.

06 November 2011


Student CYPRES

A young lady has just progressed from Static line and was on her 4th “short delay” skydive. Her deployment attempts did not deploy the main canopy. At approx 750 feet the CYPRES unit successfully started the reserve deployment sequence and she landed safely under her reserve.

09 October 2011


Student CYPRES

A skydiver waved off at approx 1500 meters and tried to deploy her main. She could not find it and tried again. She then stared her reserve procedures and pulled her cut away handle, before she could pull her reserve handle the CYPRES activated and started the reserve deployment procedure.

01 May 2011



2 skydivers where head down with an approx speed of 260km/h. Lost awareness. The CYPRES AAD activated and started the reserve deployment procedure.

30 April 2011


Student CYPRES

After an uneventful exit at 4000m the skydiver went through a rain cloud. To stop the stinging of the rain on his neck he covered this with his hands. On doing so he went into an uncontrollable spin. At 1000m he was still spinning, so much so that due to the g-force could not reach his main ripcord. The CYPRES activated and cut the reserve loop. He landed without injury. Jumper never tried pulling his reserve handle.

23 Febuary 2011


Student CYPRES

A student doing console jumps went unstable trying to deploy at approx 5000 feet. No attempt to pull was made. The student spent the entire time trying to get stable until the CYPRES activated.

31 October 2010


Student CYPRES

A student just cleared to self supervise, had an altimeter malfunction. Instead of deploying the main parachute as taught when you don’t know your altitude, the student tried to fix the altimeter until the student CYPRES saved their life

30 October 2010



At approximately 1:00 pm Mountain Standard Time, Longmont, Colorado, USA your product saved my life by doing exactly what it was designed to do. I am humbled but alive thanks to your device. My deepest gratitude to your designers and staff.

10 October 2010


Student CYPRES

The AFF student was on level 6 AFF jumping with 1 instructor. At 6000ft the student began spinning on her belly and did not try and deploy the main canopy at any time. CYPRES fired and started the reserve deployment procedure.

25 September 2010


Student CYPRES

AFF student could not find her pilotchute and did not start her reserve procedures. CYPRES fired and started the reserve deployment sequence. She landed uninjured.

07 September 2010



A Brazilian jumper was jumping a big way formation (attempt for the Uruguayan record), had a main canopy malfunction (severe line twists). He managed to cutaway his main at 2000 feet but couldn’t locate his reserve handle. CYPRES started the reserve deployment sequence. The skydiver landed uninjured.

05 September 2010



A Brazilian wingsuit flyer was doing a solo jump, exiting the Hercules C-130 from 16,000 feet in Salto Uruguay. He was not able to open his main, CYPRES started the reserve deployment sequence, opening the reserve. The skydiver landed uninjured.

28 August 2010

Czech Republic


After Cutaway skydiver could not find his reserve handle. CYPRES fired and started the reserve deployment procedure.

19 August 2010



On his 17th jump a skydiver was on throw away conversion and turning on practise pulls. He then tried again turning faster and dipping each time, as his stress levels increased he is finding it harder to pull in a stable position. He thinks about going through his reserve procedures but can not locate his cutaway or reserve handle. CYPRES fired and started the reserve deployment procedure. Skydiver landed in tree uninjured.

07 August 2010


Student CYPRES

Student exited for his first 10 second delay, was stable through his deployment altitude of 400 feet AGL. He started to spin and panicked. Did not pull any handles until after CYPRES had started the reserve deployment sequence. The Skydiver landed safely.

22 July 2010



The skydiver started spinning and did not pull his hand deploy. He did not activate his reserve. CYPRES started the reserve deployment sequence. The skydiver landed safely.

28 June 2010


Student CYPRES

Student was trying to open her container, could not find pilot chute handle. Lost altitude awareness, Tried to locate it until CYPRES activation. She did not pull any handles.

19 June 2010



Velocity 84 flying through wake turbulence of second Velo 84. Canopy collapses into spinning line twists at around 1200 feet AGL. Immediate cutaway, but unable to locate reserve handle for several seconds due to chest strap having been fully opened for flight/landing. CYPRES fires and opens reserve parachute at or near 750 feet AGL (possibly lower). Reserve fully open around 500 feet.

22 March 2010


Student CYPRES

After a jump with an instructor on a RW dive, the student complained of severe pain of his right shoulder and could not deploy main. He did not open his reserve with his left hand. CYPRES fired and opened the reserve.

02 January 2010



Solo jump, skydiver claims to have had a blackout and woke up under her reserve. unstable until reserve deployment.

November 2009

Lake Elsinore, USA


Dear Airtec, first of all even if it is 4 days late i wish you all a happy new year! i received the cutter on the 24th of December so it was a perfect timing by you guys. spending this years Christmas together with my family was as you know only possible because of the fine product that you provide for skydivers. all my equipment, wingsuit, rig, etc. was destroyed by the accident or thereafter by the rescue guys who cutted everything that was still working. and also I couldn´t work as a pilot since then because of the head injuries that made my medical invalid. but i am optimistic to get it back end of January and start working again.i will never forget how you guys, Rolf Brombach, the people of birdman and tonysuits offered support and helped minimizing the financial disaster. THANK YOU VERY MUCH! everybody who contacts me in the future because he wants to get into skydiving or wants to buy gear will hear my story and he won´t think of buying an argus or vigil or not using an aad at all “because it doesn´t work on a wingsuit”!Rolf asked me if i would wear your Cypres badge on my suits when i am back wingsuiting and freeflying and of course if i can give something back i would love to.

03 November 2009

Chicago, USA


During AFF level 3 (release skydive). After an uneventful and good freefall. Student became unstable and could not find BOC pilotchute (5500 feet). The instructor attempted to assist but was unable to reach student. At 2500 feet (Inst Hard deck) student continued to try for main handle until CYPRES activation. Student landed safely off field and flared for landing. This was her second jump of the day for the student.

18 September 2009

Marl, Germany


Hallo Airtecs, mit dieser Mail möchte ich Danke sagen, dass Ihr mein Leben gerettet habt. Am 18.09.2009 habe ich meinen 28 Sprung und meinen ersten flachen aus 1600 m absolviert. Der Exit verlief unauffällig und ich war sofort stabil. Als ich aber auf ca. 1200 m zum Hand Deploy greifen wollte, konnte ich die Plastic Pipe nicht finden. Ich habe dann noch mehrere Male nach gegriffen und mich viel zu lange damit aufgehalten aber den Griff einfach nicht gefunden. Da ich das Hand Deploy bis dahin immer direkt gefunden habe, war ich an dieser Stelle schon ziemlich beeindruckt von der Situation. Ich habe dann direkt zum Reservegriff geschaut, dort aber nur etwas metallisches schimmern sehen und habe versucht danach zu greifen aber das war offensichtlich nicht der Reservegriff. Da war ich dann wahrscheinlich bereits so durch den Wind, dass ich den Griff nicht mehr zu fassen bekommen habe. Als der Boden so extrem schnell näher kam dachte ich nur noch wenn’s jetzt nicht feuert, bin ich erledigt und diese Mail kann ich nur deshalb noch schreiben, weil es gefeuert hat und die Reserve auch recht flott aber nicht besonders hart aufgegangen ist. Bei ca. 50m hing ich dann am Schirm. Die Landung war zwar hart aber ich hatte bei den ersten AFF Leveln auch schon härtere Landungen. Auf jeden Fall ist kein Blut geflossen und es hat auch nichts weh getan, so dass ich auf den eigenen Beinen zur Packhalle zurück gehen konnte. Daher möchte ich nochmal Danke sagen, dass Ihr da wart, als ich Euch am dringendsten brauchte und dass Ihr mein Leben gerettet habt. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Jörg Rupeter PS: Nach diesem Sprung kann ich eines sagen: Wenn der Tod noch ca. 4.5 Sekunden entfernt ist, sieht man nicht sein Leben als Film ablaufen sondern die Landebahn.

21st August 2009

Skydive The Ranch

Student CYPRES

A quick thanks, from a very grateful student: The first words that were yelled aloud as I came plummeting into the woods behind the dropzone at Skydive the Ranch, in Gardiner, New York were “Cypres works!”, from a very concerned long time skydiver who thought along with the rest of us that this would be my final flight in the sky. As I impacted the ground, I couldn’t imagine that anyone could have experience that much pain and still survived, but was thanking every lucky star and god I could name that I had. It was my repeat Level 5 and had done just about the worst thing possible in a sport I had quickly fallen in love with- I forgot to pull. Being a bartender at the local watering hole up the street that had been the favourite skydiver hang out for the past fifty years, I had grown incredibly fond of the tight knit community at the Ranch, and once I had finally been talked into making a jump, I couldn’t imagine living the rest of my life without doing it on every fine blue skied day. The one piece of advice everyone had to offer was to pull. No matter what happens, pull. Billy Richards, owner of Skydive the Ranch, had come to have a drink just the night before and looked at me to say, “Rita, you have sixty seconds during which you can really do whatever you please. As long as you have an open parachute above your head at 4,500 feet, that’s really all that matters.” And yet somehow I lost sight of that. I had become so obsessed with remaining stable in the sky, which I was having a hard time with, that I completely and dangerously lost altitude awareness in the sky. My instructor had even docked on to me from the front, grabbed my hands and yelled “pull”, but I took the communication to be something else, and never stopped free fall. I had reached about 1,000 feet before I had even bothered to look at the ground to notice that I was well below pull altitude, and at that point I had panicked. I went into a flat spin and completely lost control and just about lost my mind as I calculated how quickly it would take for me to impact and how long it would take for my main chute to inflate if I had pulled. I reached to pull my main, then utterly blanked. And yet, somehow, at 750 feet there was an open parachute above my head. As I laid on the ground in the clearing the woods for which I had been responsible, I turned around to see a white parachute laying behind me. Once the chute had opened, because I had been in a flat spin, it came out with some serious line twists. It took until Andre had found me with another couple of people from the dropzone that I had come to realize what had happened. “You didn’t pull. Cypres did,” he uttered to me gently, in his thick Russian accent. At that point I broke down. I had come so close to losing it all, and thanks to a digital device in my rig I had been given a second chance. It’s now been four weeks since that fateful afternoon, and after a few days in the hospital and three weeks at home, I’ve been starting to feel more like myself. I was able to avoid having any surgery despite shattering my first lombard, and after just two weeks am off of my medication. I stopped by the Ranch for the first time since I got hurt yesterday, and Andre came to me with a big hug and a small gift. “Here,” he says. “This saved your life.” It was the Cypres cutter from my rig. It stopped my heart for a moment to see the tiny device sit in my hand and know that it alone was responsible for the fact that I’m here to skydive another day. I had certainly learned my lesson. Never again will I ever lose altitude awareness, or forget that there is nothing more important in this sport than stopping freefall. I wanted to write to thank you, at Cypres for saving my life. I can’t begin to relate the thoughts of terror that were going through my head at that moment when I had thought that I was seconds away from certain death. It’s an amazing feeling to be able to walk away from the scariest moment of my life and know that for me, and all future skydivers, there is a back up plan to the worst possible situation. There aren’t words enough to explain how grateful I am for your product, and for what it’s done for me. I celebrated my 21st birthday on the 30th, and it may have been the sweetest of all. But I wouldn’t be here without you. Looking forward to a Spring full of blue skies… and open parachutes.

21st August 2009

Skydive Zone New Zealand


Cutaway after a 4 way CRW, bottom 2 where in a wrap which flung me out on cut away unstable. I could not get to my reserve handle before CYPRES activation.

30 July 2009

Usedom Germany


Bridle caught around foot on deployment due to unstable pull, this caused the flaps of the main to remain closed. Spinning and fighting for stability until CYPRES activation. The jumper did not really realize what had happened until a few days later.

10 June 2009

Melipilla, Chile


CYPRES saved my life!! Hi, I’m Eugenio Dominguez, from Santiago, Chile. I’ve been skydiving since last year, it a sport that I love and it’s what I’ve been dedicated to do almost every single weekend for many months. I finished buying all my equipment 3 months ago, and part of it, was my CYPRES. That’s where my story begins. Last Wednesday I suffered the most extreme accident of my life. I almost died and I almost killed my friend, and flying partner. Jumping out of a Comp Air 8 in Melipilla, Chile at 13.000 ft, last jump of the day, beautiful sunset. Part of my discoordination and non-concentration made me crash head to head with Nicolas, I just didn’t see him. We were doing a track dive, very very fast. Right away both of us were unconscious and starting a never ending freefall. At 750 feet god’s hands came and activated my CYPRES that worked perfectly for me and my friend. Both of us landed unconscious… I woke up at ER, knowing nothing of what was going on around me. Lately I got known that a have almost a new face… full of titanium everywhere, I broke my eye bone, both cheekbones, nose, palate, some teeth, mandible, some strokes on my liver, kidney, and some cuts… but I’m walking, thinking, talking, smiling and expressing myself like it was a normal day. All of this BECAUSE OF MY CYPRES, if I didn’t have it I would not be here in my hospital bed telling you this story.

25 May 2009

Dunkeswell, UK


A jumper was knocked out 10 seconds after exit on a tracking dive due to a collision with a jumper in front of him. The CYPRES fired at the correct height and saved the skydivers life. The jumper landed on top of a hanger and had nothing more than a sore ankle!

25 May 2009

Irish Parachute Club, Ireland

Student CYPRES

I just wanted to inform you that we had a CYPRES save on Saturday. A female student who started to spin up and did nothing else. she was apparently spinning on her back when her CYPRES fired and she had a clean reserve deployment! so clock up another one for your books, Rodger.

24 May 2009

Skydive Westerwald, Germany


After an uneventful skydive and “normal” parachute deployment. The skydiver could not release the brakes off of his Atom container. After several attempts the skydiver decided to cut away his main. Other skydivers reported seeing him tumbling in free fall without a successful reserve deployment. CYPRES started the reserve procedure at +/- 750 feet. The skydiver landed uninjured.

21 May, 2009

Northern Germany Schüler


Female skydiver, 220 jumps, 0 jumps in the last 6 years. She got a “jump weekend” present from her family and after an intensive re-training, she started again on May 21, 2009. The first 3 jumps from 1500 m went without problems, they even included a small 2-way rw-session. Then on the 4th jump she pulled out her throw out pilotchute about 10 cm and lost it. After a few more try s she knew she was loosing height (but kept stable) and realized, if she doesn´t do something soon the CYPRES will fire! Right hand to the cutaway handle – and the CYPRES fired ! Cutaway handle is gone, reserve handle still in the pocket. She did not turn into the wind and did not touch her steering toggles, because she wanted to concentrate on the PLF. This she did and landed in a freshly ploughed field. She did not hurt herself but was totally dirty and dusty. Equipment: Omega Student rig / 250 Quick Reserve / Student CYPRES 2

05 May 2009



Jumper had trouble finding pilot chute. Rolled on back at 2000 feet (inst. Pulled). Student rolled into stable position and waited for his AAD to fire.

11 April 2009

Undisclosed, Germany


I have been skydiving since my 16th birthday. I grew up close to an airport and from when I was 6 years old I spent most of my time there. When I was 8 years old I already packed parachutes (at this time the Kohnke round canopies).Skydiving and Airports are my life and I ma lucky to have a wife who shares this passion with me. I have jumped all kind’s of parachutes like the Kohnke Dreieck, different round canopies, Paracomander, also the first square canopy without a slider etc. I also knew all the different AAD’s on the market, like Sentinel, Kapp3, FXC and then there was the CYPRES. I know the people form CYPRES and over the years I monitored all their news and reports. Weekend after weekend on the dropzone, I checked all my gear and switched my CYPRES on. Again and again, but I never imagined that one day I will have a very close relationship with my CYPRES. You know the stories, you go to the Safety meetings and listen to the stories Kai (sorry that he is not at Airtec anymore) told about the CYPRES saves, and so on. Easter Saturday, 11.April 2009, best weather conditions, the Pink Skyvan at the DZ, 4000 meters, my 3rd Jump on this day. I was the first Tandemmaster to leave the airplane, was on my way to the ramp and then ????????? A big blow, I looked up and realized that my reserve canopy was out, shit! The canopy turned and I saw the road. “Better not land on the road” my brain said. One more turn, feet extended so the passenger is safe, then I try to do an PLF. It was a hard landing, but it seems both of us are doing fine. I made it and my passenger is safe on the ground. Shortly after the instructor in charge arrived and picked us up. I really don’t know if I realized everything because I started to feel dizzy so they brought me to the hospital. During the examination my wife told me: “you fell into the CYPERS, It saved you and your passenger´s life!”I don’t know what I thought at this moment, I could not realize what happened. I was in the hospital for another 3 days for observation. Even today, 2 weeks after the incident, I still don´t know what really happened. I never ever thought, that I would come into the situation that the CYPRES has to open my reserve canopy. The 1000,- Euro for this CYPRES saved 2 lives. Guys, I always had a CYPRES even though I believed I would never make use of it. But it made click and I needed it, and only because of this I can write this story here today. You should never use a parachute equipment without a CYPRES, because also I never thought in all my dreams that I would have to depend on it one day. I will still need some time to digest all this. The only thing I can do right now is to say: THANK YOU CYPRES (Helmut)

06 Febuary 2009



Hello, I’m pleased to write you this email to tell you my story and to thank you, I am a skydiver and I have a CYPRES. It saved my life on one jump when i impacted with another skydiver under canopy. I went unconscious and my CYPRES did it’s job, by safely opening my reserve. I was still unconscious when I landed under my Techno 128 but with no severe injuries. That’s my short story, Thank you to the guy who invented the Cypres, Thank you to Airtec for all the maintenances. The Cypres is an essential tool for all skydivers. Thats it !!

24 January 2009


Student CYPRES

First jump student, out of control for the whole jump, tumbling,spinning. Lost the number one jump master early in the jump. Number two jump master was unable to bring it back under under control and for some reason lost his grip. Student went the whole way down and did nothing, main pilot chute was still in BOC pocket.

02 November 2008

Place not disclosed

Student CYPRES

Student doing console jumps after fin aff. on a jump previously 2 months ago,he dislocated his LEFT shoulder in freefall,but managed to pull the main and land safely. after hospital visit and consultant,was given the all clear to jump again. was retrained and did a check out dive again. all clear. jumped again same day after being cleared,this time dislocated his RIGHT shoulder after doing his wave off. due to the pain and the surprise of it,student went unstable and did nothing until the cypres fired and opened his reserve. had a rough landing,but besides the dislocated shoulder had no other injuries!

27 September 2008

Place not disclosed


Aff level 1 poor exit by student resulting in tumble. one instructor thrown off. other instructor continues to hold on and give signals. both are in a turn which is getting worse.2nd instructor eventually gets thrown off as well,continues to chase the student until he realises that he is getting close to a 1000.decides to deploy the main as the cypres fires. resulting in reserve opening first and main sec. landed both canopy’s uninjured.

27 September 2008

Place not disclosed

Student CYPRES

Same incident as above,student CYPRES fires and opens the reserve. Both persons land in small trees and are uninjured.

22 September 2008

Z-hills Florida USA

Student CYPRES

Had an AFF Level 6 student yesterday at sunset. Went to pull, started flailing, went all the way to CYPRES fire. Big guy from Altamonte Springs, FL, a football player at 240lbs. The instructor never caught him and bailed below 2000′ We had him under our “big-boy rig”, Wings container, PD Navigator 300and PD 281 Reserve, with a Cypres. He broke his leg on landing, but had less than a 20 second reserve ride we think. Good job on the gear everyone.

28 of June, 2008

Skydive Houston USA


I was participating in the “Dead Man” boogie at Skydive Houston, in Waller, TX. I was making my 3rd jump of the day, deployed at 3000 ft, and had the hardest opening of my life. I had severe line twists, and was halfway aware of what I was doing be cause of the main parachute hard opening. I worked away at the line twists until the decision altitude of 1800 ft. It this time, I made the wrong decision to keep working on the line twists. I still had many line twists when I realized I was at 1100 ft, so I cut away. At that moment, I was knocked unconscious. Also, I did not have my RSL attached because I was jumping a Velocity 96 and had been jumping a video camera earlier. At 600 ft, my Cypres fired, allowing my reserve pilot chute and freebag to deploy. However, my reserve didn’t deploy with them. Eyewitness on the ground didn’t see any reserve until about 300 ft, and finally saw the reserve start to inflate at tree top level. Needless to say, I impacted the ground at a very high rate of speed, since the reserve was just achieving line stretch. It has been a very long and hard road to recovery, but I wouldn’t be here to write this email to you if I did not have a Cypres in my rig. I owe the rest of my life to the Cypres in my rig, and I will always use it. Please forgive me if I don’t send this one back in for a discount on a new one when it’s service life ends. As I said, I owe my live to that Cypres. Please continue to provide the outstanding product you have made available to the rest of us. You can rest assured that I will always have a Cypres in my rig.

11 May, 2008

Place not disclosed

Student CYPRES

Aff student level 4.student is released after exit,start to spin and go unstable. after attempting to recover was unable to do so. deploys main canopy at 8000.due to unstable deployment,his legs get caught in the deploying lines resulting in his feet being caught and hanging upside down in the harness. canopy not fully inflated and starting to spin. student tries to extradite himself and does nothing else. student cypres fires and opens the reserve fully. lands in trees and walks away with no injuries. although he did loose his 2 shoes in the process!

14 April 2008


Expert CYPRES student jumper with 50 jumps,does 1st jump from 13000.has problem with stability at pull time,tries to recover and does nothing until the cypres fires. after the reserve is fully opened,she then deploys the main!

06 April 2008

Location Unknown

Expert 1 Student CYPRES

Yesterday I was jumping an AAF level 4. Which is the one where the instructor has a unreleased dive with a student. The student was stable. At pull time i tried to assist the student with finding the pilot chute, when the student spun out of my hands. I chased the student but couldn’t catch up. The student did nothing and pulled nothing. Didn’t even try. The student CYPRES fired at about 1100 feet. I deployed my main (yes, i know it was an error in judgement), slightly above that and had my cypress fire as well. Both of us landed w/o injuries. Thank you for your product on both of our parts,

24.February 2008



student jumper with 40 jumps. doing a 2 way coach dive,student loses alti awareness. coach waves of and gives pull response. coach back slides and deploys his own canopy at 3000 feet. student realises that he was suppose to track,he was still tracking as the cypres activates and opens the reserve.

10 September, 2007



Tandem master never set drogue due to instability. High-speed CYPRES activation, followed by a good landing on the landing zone. Both walked away un-injured.

09 September 2007

Ploiesti Romania

Student CYPRES

Jump altitude: 4000m Gear: PD Navigator 240sq ft (or 220), Vector SE container, PD reserve, CYPRES 2 student, 1 pin. Skydiver: approximately 35, had about 100 jumps in the army and a few paid jumps from 4000. Incident: I was on the ground preparing to make a jump, I’ve seen him spinning head down trying to obtain a stable position. At aprox. 225m (I assume) the Cypres fired and the reserve opened nicely. He landed in a nearby backyard. His wife was there screaming for half an hour. It was a solo jump and he never tried to pull his BOC pilot chute or his reserve handle.

August, 2007


Student CYPRES

“We had a clean CYPRES save last Saturday, when a student of mine on her jump no. 31 on a long spot forgot all about altitude she was too busy looking for the airport. Luckily your CYPRES and my reserve pack job worked as expected and we still have her among the living people.”

04. August, 2007



A staff member competing in a 4 way FS event had his cutaway pad kicked off in a rough docking with another team members foot. It came out completely. On deploying his main parachute it cutaway immediately. It took him some time to realise what had happened as he thought he had a total malfunction. When he came to cutaway he started looking for his cutaway pad and reserve handle. He took so long looking for his cutaway pad that he lost track of time and altitude. As he eventually pulled his reserve, his CYPRES had already fired.

June, 2007

Kassel, Germany


Skydiver cut away his spinning main canopy and was looking for his reserve pad which was folded under his main lift web as his CYPRES fired. He landed unhurt.

22. December, 2006

Auckland, New Zealand


Skydiver was participating in a 6 way tracking jump. At about 7000ft he was involved in a mid air collision and knocked unconscious. His CYPRES fired and his reserve canopy transported him – still unconscious – safely to the ground.

Adventure, Tips, and Adrenaline

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