For many skydivers traveling with their rigs, clearing a security checkpoint is an uneasy time as you wait to see what the screener will do and if they’ll make you open the reserve container. The best way to handle this issue is to check and follow the airlines instructions, terms and conditions early enough, and to be prepared with the necessary procedures and documents.
Be Prepared.
Prior to travel, download and print the documents below which confirms what the security officer is seeing and provides an explanation of what CYPRES is. Also find letters from various government aviation authorities showcasing their knowledge of the CYPRES with permissions to allow on board aircraft.
The airlines may, however, make different arrangements.
Es wird darauf hingewiesen, dass der pyrotechnische Gegenstand im Sicherheitssystem
für Fallschirmspringer „CYPRES“ komplettiert mit den Bestandteilen:
Elektronische Seilkappvorrichtung ESKV11
(Electrical Rope Cutter ESKV 11)
KEIN Gefahrgut im Sinne der Transportvorschriften ist.
Document certifying that CYPRES may be carried on aircraft from the BAM, Budesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung of Germany. This document is written in German.
Document certifying that CYPRES may be carried on aircraft from the German Authorities for Material Research and-Tests(BAM) of Germany. This document is written in English.
Document certifying that CYPRES may be carried on aircraft from DGAC, Direction Générale de l’Aviation Civile of France.
Document certifying that CYPRES may be carried on aircraft from CAA, the Civil Aviation Authority of The United Kingdom.
Document certifying that CYPRES may be carried on aircraft from CAA, the Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand.
Document certifying that CYPRES may be carried on aircraft from TSA, the Transportation Security Administration of the United States of America.
Document certifying that CYPRES may be carried on aircraft from CASA, the Civil Aviation Safety Authority of Australia.
Depuis Janvier 2015, une nouvelle réglementation de l’IATA concernant le transport des batteries au lithium en cabine, est mise en place. Dorénavent, toutes les piles au lithium contenant plus de 1 gramme de lithium ainsi que les piles de rechange transportées séparément, sont interdites en cabine. CYPRES n’est pas concerné par cette réglementation. En effet, CYPRES est équipé de piles qui : . contiennent seulement 0,99 g lithium . sont installées dans l’appareil
There are new IATA regulation for lithium-batteries on passenger aircraft’s from January 2015 on. “It prohibits any lithium-cells on passenger aircraft’s which contain more than 1 gram of lithium and any spare lithium batteries carried separately.”The CYPRES is not affected by this regulation because the CYPRES contains a lithium-cell which: contains only 0,99 g lithium and is entirely build into the CYPRES device.
If traveling with your rig onboard the aircraft, it is highly recommended that you print the CYPRES X-ray card prior to travel.
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