1997 | FAI Gold Medal



This Medal was established by the FAI (Federation Aeronautique Internationale) in January 1968. It may be awarded annually for an outstanding accomplishment in connection with parachuting. This may be in the realm of sport, safety or at the option of the Commission, an invention. This is one of the highest awards bestowed upon any individual in the skydiving industry.

Past Recipients

2015 Svetlana Klenina, 2014 Felix Baumgartner, 2012 Anton Westman, 2011 Timothy Mace, 2009 Patrice Girardin,
2004 Brenda Reid, 2003 Dr. Dieter Strüber, 2002 Col. Erich Graetzer, 2000 Tatiana Osipova, 1999 Helmut Schlecht,
1998 Lars G. Lindhal, 1997 Helmut Cloth, 1996 Patrick Castella, 1994 Dr. Uwe Beckmann, 1993 Col. Erich Graetzer,
1992 William Booth, 1991 E.T.H. Wijnands, 1990 Ms. Galina Pyasetskaya, 1989 Anguel Atanassov Doinski,
1988 Zlatko Beric, 1987 Dr. Franz Lorber, 1985 Charles Shea-Simonds, 1984 Domina Jalbert, 1983 Ivan Lysov,
1982 Aleksandar Stanic, 1980 Col. Wolfgang Pflegerl, 1979 Nikolai Gladkov, 1976 Arkadi Gouskov, 1974 Steven Snyder,
1973 Pierre Lemoigne, 1971 Ms. Nadezhda Pryakhina, 1970 Pierre Lard, 1969 Janko Lutovac

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